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Monday, September 26, 2011

Penn and Teller Defend Ron Paul vs. Luntz and Fox News

Penn and Teller Defend Ron Paul vs. Luntz and Fox News:

Penn and Teller Defend Ron Paul vs. Luntz and Fox News

Frank Luntz is a propogandist tool, who knows the ways the select 25 were acquired in that room and who knows what they were told before Luntz tries to discredit the text message poll Fox had.
Video is taken from Penn + Teller Bullshit: Numbers. Frank tells them how he can manipulate what people think by simply asking the right question the right way. Based on the final clip it sounds like he's pro-Hillary.
If we want a Republican that can actually win against Hillary or Obama we need Ron Paul!
Every time you see a poll that was 'scientifically selected' keep in mind that tha questions themselves may be biased and that Ron Paul wound actually polled higher if it was issue based, not name recognition based.

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