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Friday, January 24, 2014

End the Double Standard for Cops –

End the Double Standard for Cops –

I grew up in an America with cops in the background. Most people – being not criminals – had almost no interaction with them and when they did it was generally civil and far more important, almost always on equal terms – with the cop respectful of the citizen.
It goes without saying that’s all gone now. Cops are a menacing omnipresence – and when they deal with us, it is usually order barking Command Voice style. You do not discuss, much less dispute. You Submit and Obey. Or else.The least recalcitrance – merely to question anything – is often sufficient to bring down a Fallujah-style escalation. People are routinely dragged out of their cars, roughly thrown to the ground, pummeled, kicked – and much worse than that. Often, over trivial things. Police even in small towns have become indistinguishable from soldiers.
It is out of hand – obviously so – and if left unchecked will grow much worse, much sooner as the vortex picks up speed. What was inconceivable 20 years ago is routine today. What will be routine 20 years from today?

"Cooperate" With the Police -- Or Be Assaulted in Front of Your Children

"Cooperate" With the Police -- Or Be Assaulted in Front of Your Children

"Cooperate" With the Police -- Or Be Assaulted in Front of Your Children

"Cooperate" With the Police -- Or Be Assaulted in Front of Your Children
“See – this is what happens when you don't cooperate with the police!” snarled Neil Uhrig as he pinned Melissa Miller to the floor of her home. It's not clear whether Officer Uhrig was expressing satisfaction at the expense of the traumatized woman, or trying to tutor her screaming nine-year-old daughter, Julliet, who had watched in horror as Uhrig assaulted her mother, threw her against a couch, and then handcuffed her while thrusting a knee into the middle of her back....

Thursday, January 23, 2014

More Stupid Cops, Funny But Stupid


Just when you think the war on drugs couldn't get more absurd, I give you the story of Jeff Mizanksey. Jeff is serving life in prison for attempting to sell 5 pounds of marijuana to a police officer. Yes you heard that right, he is serving life in prison for marijuana! On the other hand earlier this week Ethan Couch, a 16-year-old that ran over and killed four people while drunk, received 10 years probation because his lawyers argued that he was too rich to know any better. Let's also not forget the Casey Anthony trial. In that case you had a mother that lied to police about her dead child only to walk out of the courtroom with a smile on her face scot-free. No one should ever go to jail for a victimless crime and sentencing them to life in prison is far worse of a crime than anything they are being accused of.

Your Rights No Longer Matter in the Eyes of Police | Cop Block

Your Rights No Longer Matter in the Eyes of Police | Cop Block


“He knows his rights and is perfectly innocent.” --Filthy Pig Cop
Well, if the driver knows his rights and he is perfectly innocent why are you detaining him?

Meet The Fortress Hotel That Separates The Davos Billionaires From The Peasants

Meet The Fortress Hotel That Separates The Davos Billionaires From The Peasants

Meet The Fortress Hotel That Separates The Davos Billionaires From The Peasants

The theme of this year's Davos meeting where the world's wealthiest and most powerful people meet to enjoy each other's company, a fawning media, and of course the best food and entertainment that money can buy, is social stability, class hatred, and how to fix a world torn by a record wealth inequality.
An ambitious task to be sure, especially for the very people who have benefited the most from the record wealth transfer of the past 5 years. Still, while these true Robin Hoods of the modern gilded age are desperate for a few minutes of humanitarian TV exposure, or at least a soundbite or two, their advice to the peasants out there is quite clear: don't get too close.
And just to make sure the appropriate distance of at least a few hundred meters to every member of the great unwashed class they are "saving" is maintained, here is the hotel in which the bleeding heart Davos billionaires are staying: a $170 million fortress surrounded by barbed wire, security cameras, motion sensor and even its own helipad.
Oh, and for those dignitaries of the non-private sector staying here, guess who is picking up the bill dear taxpayers.

Angry TSA phone call to Off The Hook TV

Angry TSA phone call to Off The Hook TV

Angry TSA phone call to Off The Hook TV

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost? Washington's Blog

Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost? Washington's Blog

Live Q&A with Edward Snowden: Thursday 23rd January, 8pm GMT, 3pm EST | Free Snowden

Live Q&A with Edward Snowden: Thursday 23rd January, 8pm GMT, 3pm EST | Free Snowden

Edward Snowden will be answering questions submitted by the public on his official support site,, this Thursday 23 January at 8pm GMT, 3pm EST. The support site is run by The Courage Foundation and is the only endorsed Snowden Defence Fund.
This is the first Snowden live chat since June 2013 and will last for an hour starting at 8pm GMT, 3pm EST. Questions can be submitted on twitter on the day of the event using the #AskSnowden hashtag. Edward Snowden’s responses will appear at
The live chat comes exactly a week after US President Barack Obama gave an address in response to the public concerns raised by Edward Snowden’s revelations about US surveillance practices. In the live chat, Edward Snowden is expected to give his first reaction to the President’s speech.
Courage (formerly the Journalistic Source Protection Defence Fund) is a trust, audited by accountants Derek Rothera & Company in the UK, for the purpose of providing legal defence and campaign aid to journalistic sources. It is overseen by an unrenumerated committee of trustees. Edward Snowden is its first recipient. was commissioned by the trustees of Courage to provide information on the threats Edward Snowden faces and what can be done to support him, and details all revelations made to date in a convenient central archive.

Chicago bans indoor electronic cigarette smoking

Chicago bans indoor electronic cigarette smoking

Chicago bans indoor electronic cigarette smoking

What a retarded country we live in. This is beyond Nanny state. I wouldn't move to Chicago if someone gave me a free house, what a horrible place to live.

The Worry Wart-The Honeymooners

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Stand - A Stephen King's Film: The Plague, The Dreams, The Betrayal,...

Cops bloody old man — for jaywalking | New York Post

Cops bloody old man — for jaywalking | New York Post


Cops bloodied an 84-year-old man and put him in the hospital Sunday when he jaywalked at an Upper West Side intersection and didn’t appear to understand their orders to stop, witnesses said.
Kang Wong was strolling north on Broadway and crossing 96th Street at around 5 p.m., when an officer told him to halt because he had walked against the light.
Police were targeting jaywalkers in the area following the third pedestrian fatality this month around West 96th Street.
Wong, who lives a block away, appeared to not understand the cop, the witnesses said.

Brave New World

A towering classic of dystopian satire, BRAVE NEW WORLD is a brilliant and terrifying vision of a soulless society—and of one man who discovers the human costs of mindless conformity. 

Hundreds of years in the future, the World Controllers have created an ideal civilization. Its members, shaped by genetic engineering and behavioral conditioning, are productive and content in roles they have been assigned at conception. Government-sanctioned drugs and recreational sex ensure that everyone is a happy, unquestioning consumer; messy emotions have been anesthetized and private attachments are considered obscene. Only Bernard Marx is discontented, developing an unnatural desire for solitude and a distaste for compulsory promiscuity. When he brings back a young man from one of the few remaining Savage Reservations, where the old unenlightened ways still continue, he unleashes a dramatic clash of cultures that will force him to consider whether freedom, dignity, and individuality are worth suffering for.

Aldous Huxley’s ingenious fantasy of a future of mechanical efficiency and engineered harmony has been enormously influential for generations, and is as provocative, powerful, and riveting as when it was first published in 1932.