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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hundreds of police officers caught illegally accessing criminal records computer - Telegraph

Hundreds of police officers caught illegally accessing criminal records computer - Telegraph

More than 200 police officers and support staff in Britain's biggest force have been caught accessing the highly sensitive Police National Computer for their own ends.

Police computer system in Strathclyde
The PNC national computer system enables the search of the names database to identify suspects including physical descriptions and personal features Photo: GETTY

Half of the offences uncovered, including some accused of passing information to criminals, took place in the last three years - suggesting the abuse of the system is on the increase.
The figures show 84 police officers have been disciplined for illegal use of the database, which contains information on millions of people, their property and the movements of vehicles across the country in the last 36 months.
A further 22 staff have also been caught wrongly accessing information in the same period.
The revelation comes after a police officer was arrested in relation to leaks during the Scotland Yard phone-hacking investigation. The 51-year-old detective constable was arrested at work on Thursday. He has been suspended.
The Metropolitan Police has disclosed that 142 police officers and 66 staff have been disciplined for misusing the national computer system, known as the PNC, in the last 10 years.
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