Oklahoma City parents complain police wrongly rounded up teenagers in Bricktown | NewsOK.com
Oklahoma City Police Chief Bill Citty said some of the complaints parents made after a curfew sweep Saturday night were valid.
BY BRYAN DEAN bdean@opubco.comPublished: July 20, 2011
Several parents complained about the curfew sweep at Tuesday's Oklahoma City Council meeting. Parents said officers arrested the teens at least 20 minutes before the 11 p.m. curfew began.
Some of the children arrested were waiting for rides after attending a movie, which is allowed under the city's curfew statute. Others were accompanied to the theater by adults but arrested anyway while their parents retrieved their vehicles.
Peggy Hammons' daughter, Kelsea, and her friend, Brittney Campbell, both 15, attended an 8:20 p.m. showing of “Transformers” at Harkins with Brittney's mother. The movie let out just before 11, and the two teens waited in front of the theater while Brittney's mom got the car.
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