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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fake Professor on the First Day PRANK -- CHAMBER BOYS

I No Longer Support The Free State Project

They have consistently censored my speech and I find that very disturbing for a group that prides itself on being open to new ideas and the spread of freedom and free speech. I still support the idea of moving to New Hampshire to build a free community but that can and is being done without the need for an over reaching group of dictators telling us what to think or post. 

FSP: Organized Cowardice?

14 Principled Anti-War Celebrities We Fear May Have Been Kidnapped

14 Principled Anti-War Celebrities We Fear May Have Been Kidnapped
Bruce Springsteen

John McCain ATTACKED In Town Hall Meeting: 'I'D HAVE YOU ARRESTED FOR TR...

LIAR ! ! !

8 Ordinary Things That Look Insanely Cool Under a Microscope |

8 Ordinary Things That Look Insanely Cool Under a Microscope |

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Does the US Have the Right To Bomb the Syrians? –

Does the US Have the Right To Bomb the Syrians? –
Does the U.S. government have a right to bomb Syria? It’s painfully obvious that it has no such right. It’s painful because it looks like it’s going to bomb anyway.
Not one of the arguments that attempts to show that the U.S. has a right to bomb Syria holds up upon examination. The preemptive or preventive idea has reappeared. This idea is that if there is a threat to U.S. national security (or interests), the U.S. has a right to remove that threat before it becomes a reality. That argument is an argument for self-defense. It is valid only if the threat is tangible and imminent. In this case, there is no tangible or imminent threat that the Syria government can or will unleash chemical weapons on America, American embassies or American forces. There is no intelligence to that effect. Moreover, the Syrian government has made no such threats.
The pro-bombing advocates argue that they do not want chemical weapons to fall into the hands of anti-American forces other than Syrians. There is also no direct, tangible and imminent threat of an attack from this source. This possibility is a threat of a threat. Only if the weapons first fell into hostile hands might they then possibly become a threat. This argument is twice-removed from being an actual threat and being an actual candidate for a rightful self-defense.

Microsoft and Google to sue government over transparency | ZDNet

Microsoft and Google to sue government over transparency | ZDNet
In a blog entry by Microsoft General Counsel & Executive Vice President, Legal & Corporate Affairs Brad Smith, the company explained how negotiations with the government over permission "…to publish sufficient data relating to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) orders" have faltered. Both Microsoft and Google will proceed with litigation to seek permission from the FISA court.
Ever since the public disclosure of the NSA's surveillance programs by former contractor Edward Snowden, Microsoft, Google and many other companieshave called on the government to allow them to disclose the extent of their cooperation so that customers and foreign governments can make informed decisions about the trustworthiness of the companies' services.
Smith says in the blog that both Microsoft and Google filed suit in June for permission to disclose the information, and they believe they have the clear constitutional right to do so. On 6 occasions the government has asked for extensions from the court before replying to the suit.

Southern California Police Doing Damage Control After Horrific Youtube Video Shows Them Beating, Tasing Man

Southern California Police Doing Damage Control After Horrific Youtube Video Shows Them Beating, Tasing Man
Southern California Police Doing Damage Control After Horrific Beating, Tasing Of Man

Monday, September 2, 2013

Pull Up Your Pants, Fool!

Captain, why am I wearing a red shirt for this mission? - Cheezburger

Captain, why am I wearing a red shirt for this mission? - Cheezburger
Captain, why am I wearing a red shirt for this mission?

Mass. reeling from drug lab scandal a year later

Mass. reeling from drug lab scandal a year later
Mass. reeling from drug lab scandal a year later

Cops Won't Let Marijuana Prohibition Fall Easily

Senator Jekyll & President Hyde

Man Shines Flashlight into Police SUV, Questions Cop About His Shotgun

Opinion: Obama Crossing the Rubicon into Syria

Opinion: Obama Crossing the Rubicon into Syria
Opinion: Obama Crossing the Rubicon into Syria

Anti-War Protesters to Cop: We Don’t Need a Permit We Have the Constitution | Ben Swann

Anti-War Protesters to Cop: We Don’t Need a Permit We Have the Constitution | Ben Swann
Truth In Media

The State is Obsolete (The Twilight Zone)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

'Hello, NSA? I have lost an email, can you help me find it?'--Dutch-Iranian filmmaker trolls NSA - Boing Boing

'Hello, NSA? I have lost an email, can you help me find it?'--Dutch-Iranian filmmaker trolls NSA - Boing Boing

Software patents are now illegal in New Zealand | VentureBeat

Software patents are now illegal in New Zealand | VentureBeat

Healthy obesity? Study says it is possible to be overweight but not at-risk  - NY Daily News

Healthy obesity? Study says it is possible to be overweight but not at-risk  - NY Daily News

War by Deception 2013

CARL SAGAN: Make the most of this life

CARL SAGAN: Make the most of this life

Funny Compilation: Meanwhile in

Presidents of ABC News, CNN, and CBS News are married or blood related to officials in Obama’s White House? |

Presidents of ABC News, CNN, and CBS News are married or blood related to officials in Obama’s White House? |
News cronyism cc
"Independent Media"?  HAHAHAHAHA!