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Friday, January 17, 2014

America’s Police State: Worse than Communist North Korea?

America’s Police State: Worse than Communist North Korea?
America’s Police State: Worse than Communist North Korea?
If Kelly Thomas had lived in Communist North Korea, rather than conservative Orange County, California, he might have survived his encounter with the police.  ...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Leaked: Obama Daughters Listed as “Senior Staff” In White House $424,000 Africa Trip | The Minority Report Blog

Leaked: Obama Daughters Listed as “Senior Staff” In White House $424,000 Africa Trip | The Minority Report Blog

A FOIA request was submitted by Judicial Watch and the documents revealed a few things we never knew.  The total trip was estimated to be greater than $424,000, and it seems that the Obama girls are catagorized as “Senior Staff”.
We can only wonder what their salaries are.

Official Blog: Transparency Report: Government removal requests continue to rise

Official Blog: Transparency Report: Government removal requests continue to rise

We launched the Transparency Report in 2010 to provide hard evidence of how laws and policies affect access to information online. Today, for the eighth time, we’re releasing new numbers showing requests from governments to remove content from our services. From January to June 2013, we received 3,846 government requests to remove 24,737 pieces of content—a 68 percent increase over the second half of 2012.

Over the past four years, one worrying trend has remained consistent: governments continue to ask us to remove political content. Judges have asked us to remove information that’s critical of them, police departments want us to take down videos or blogs that shine a light on their conduct, and local institutions like town councils don’t want people to be able to find information about their decision-making processes. These officials often cite defamation, privacy and even copyright laws in attempts to remove political speech from our services. In this particular reporting period, we received 93 requests to take down government criticism and removed content in response to less than one third of them. Four of the requests were submitted as copyright claims. 

Obama Mugs the Little Sisters of the Poor –

Obama Mugs the Little Sisters of the Poor –
When the Framers were putting together the Constitution in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787, they knew the states would not adopt it without written guarantees that the new central government would respect natural rights. The supporters of the Constitution promised political leaders in the states that the written guarantees would soon be added as amendments, and they were. By late 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified and added to the new Constitution.
The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to assure all in America that their natural rights — areas of human choices for which a permission slip from the government cannot be required and in which the government cannot coerce compliance with its wishes — would not be impaired by the federal government. Since the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, the natural rights protected in the Bill of Rights generally have been insulated from interference by the states, as well.
All natural rights are of paramount importance to all persons. They are individualized personal gifts from the Creator and have been recognized as such in American law since Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed with them by Him.

Jimmy Kimmel Savages ObamaCare and Uninformed Young People Who Support It

Jimmy Kimmel Savages ObamaCare and Uninformed Young People Who Support It
Jimmy Kimmel Savages ObamaCare and Uninformed Young People Who Support It

Monday, January 13, 2014

Fullerton Cops Found Not Guilty in Beating Death of Homeless Mentally Ill Man | Photography is Not a Crime: PINAC

Fullerton Cops Found Not Guilty in Beating Death of Homeless Mentally Ill Man | Photography is Not a Crime: PINAC
Two cops were found not guilty Monday in the horrific beating death of a homeless man despite a city surveillance video showing they choked, tased, punched, kicked and smothered the man for nearly nine minutes, only pausing when he stopped pleading for help.

Former Fullerton police officers Manny Ramos and Jay Cicinelli are now free to return to a career of law enforcement if they so desire, comfortable in the fact that they can pretty much kill anybody and get away with it as long as they claim they were doing it for their own safety.

WOW infuckingcredible! I guess Kelly Thomas killed himself? What a joke this country is. Fuck the cops, you filthy pigs!

The great global warming swindle - Full version

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Toke Signals with Steve Elliott | Worth Repeating: Marijuana Prohibition and Sexual Politics

Toke Signals with Steve Elliott | Worth Repeating: Marijuana Prohibition and Sexual Politics
Assassin of Youth, the 1937 movie inspired by Harry Anslinger, like Reefer Madness, is important, because it shows side by side how elite white people believed what went on when people smoked marijuana vs. the joy of watching Cab Calloway perform live at the Cotton Club.
The film’s title refers to an article of the same year by U.S. drug czar Harry J. Anslinger that appeared in The American Magazine and was reprinted inReader’s Digest in 1938. The movie’s tone echoes those of Anslinger’s cautionary tales.
This Reader’s Digest story quotes the lines from Cab Calloway’s song “Reefer Man.” This story shows Anslinger was thinking about the young Cab Calloway as a threat to his manhood.
Anslinger is the person responsible for rebranding the word cannabis as “marijuana,” a racially charged word that rebranded cannabis as an “evil Mexican drug.”
The prohibitionists deliberately used a Mexican name for cannabis in order to turn the U.S. populace against the idea that it should be legal, by playing to negative attitudes toward that ethnicity.
​William Randolph Hearst was a racist who hated minorities, particularly Mexicans, both native-born and immigrants. He frequently used his newspaper chain to stir up racial tensions.
Hearst’s newspapers portrayed Mexicans as lazy, degenerate and violent marijuana-smokers who stole jobs from “real Americans.”

Overstock racks up $130,000 in sales on first day of accepting Bitcoin

Overstock racks up $130,000 in sales on first day of accepting Bitcoin