Saturday, September 10, 2011
Christine Smith's Blog » 9-11 Nonsense
In communities across the country we’re hearing “Remember 9-11.” Open the paper, tune the radio station, or flick the channels – the same old 9-11 nonsense is being spouted.
Some of it is downright morbid and obscene, like the memorial one of my nearby communities is having complete with a flag pole, yep, you guessed to be made from a steel cylinder from the World Trade Center, complete with a flag flown at the Pentagon, with a bonus added in – soil from near the site of the plane crash in Pennsylvania will be used to plant flowers and trees. I, for one, consider that to be gross – but, hey, whatever gets the emotionalism flowing…because that’s all it is. Emotionalism – identical and as meaningless as the same we witness on every other nationalistic holiday. Another nearby community is having a parade. There will be prayers at places, followed by social gatherings, of course. Any excuse to feel good about being an American, right?
9-11 was a tragedy, but not any more significant than the murders (unjustified killings) the U.S. government is responsible for in its acts of terrorism worldwide. I see no memorials for the tens of thousands of victims of the terrorism this government is responsible for. It is as if people of other nationalities and cultures just aren’t as important as Americans – at least not to the American people. But let a few (and that’s what it is, a mere few, in comparison to all the horrors, tortures, and deaths this government and its people are responsible for) Americans die at the hands of murderers, and people remember its anniversary every year.
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Friday, September 9, 2011
Twelve Words To Describe Obama's Jobs Speech | Fox News
Presumptuous: He demanded – 17 times – that Congress immediately pass a bill no one has seen.
Tired: The speech contained little new, just mostly recycled ideas or extensions of current programs that haven’t worked.
Small: Its proposals, while expensive, offer little hope of really jump-starting the economy.
Mind-boggling: Mr. Obama wants to drains hundreds of billions from Social Security for another stimulus.
Slippery: It will all be paid for, the president said, but it’s up to a Congressional committee to figure out how.
Misleading: These were just GOP ideas. Really? Republicans have proposed another $450 billionstimulus bill, Mr. Obama?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Obama’s whopper of a claim on tax cuts - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post
“We said working folks deserved a break, so within one month of me taking office, we signed into law the biggest middle-class tax cut in history, putting more money into your pockets.”
— President Obama, Sept. 5, 2011
The president’s Labor Day speech in Detroit featured an assertion that contained a number of warning signs that it might be an errant fact: “biggest middle-class tax cut in history.”
First of all, anytime a politician claims he or she has done something historic, watch your pockets. That’s usually a dubious claim.
Then, “biggest” can mean all sorts of things. If we are talking about dollars, then are they inflation-adjusted or measured against the overall economy? Raw dollar figures are essentially meaningless without that context.
Finally, the “middle-class” modifier. What’s the definition of “middle-class”? There are many ways one could slice and dice that classification.
Clearly the president wants to demonstrate he’s a tax-cutter. And certainly White House officials have been frustrated that the $116 billion Making Work Pay tax cut was largely unnoticed by Americans.
We decided to put the president’s claim to the test.
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Ron Paul soars to 10-point lead over Obama among fastest growing voter segments - Washington DC Conservative |
Lori Stacey
, DC Conservative ExaminerThe polls for a one-on-one match-up with Obama are climbing for the GOP candidates as the approval rating for the current occupant of our White House continues to dive into dangerous territory.
Perhaps the most revealing spread of polling numbers comes from the latest Rasmussen poll on Tuesday showing that among voters that do not identify themselves as Republican or Democrat, Ron Paul is now in a 10-point lead over Obama (43% to 33%). This means that Paul is picking up a significant portion of the all important Independent, Decline-to-state and 3rd party vote. These 3 categories represent the fastest growing segments of registered voters today. This trend is largely being fueled by rapidly increasing voter' discontent of traditional, establishment candidates. Only God knows what these numbers may grow to by November of 2012.
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Obama Raises American Hypocrisy to a Higher Level by Paul Craig Roberts
What does the world think? Obama has been using air strikes and drones against civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and probably Somalia. In his March 28 speech, Obama justified his air strikes against Libya on the grounds that the embattled ruler, Gadhafi, was using air strikes to put down a rebellion.
Gadhafi has been a black hat for as long as I can remember. If we believe the adage that "where there is smoke there is fire," Gadhafi is probably not a nice fellow. However, there is no doubt whatsoever that the current US president and the predecessor Bush/Cheney regime have murdered many times more people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than Gadhafi has murdered in Libya.
Moreover, Gadhafi is putting down a rebellion against state authority as presently constituted, but Obama and Bush/Cheney initiated wars of aggression based entirely on lies and deception.
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Obama = Bush and Clinton at the Same Time by Anthony Gregory
I think I have figured out the new formula in presidential politics. The current president is essentially as bad as the last two combined. We might call this the "PresidentialFibonacci Sequence."
Bush II was every bit as bad as his father, with the addition of Clinton mixed in. Life under Clinton was like living under Bush I and Reagan simultaneously. Bush the First was so horrible he was like Reagan and Carter were ganging up on American liberty.
Maybe this is a flawed formula, but it does seem to hold in the current case. Let us consider the evidence.
Obama is doing everything that his immediate predecessor did: Subsidizing the bubble economy, ratcheting up the regulatory state, increasing deficit spending year by year, waging wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, lying about Iran, allowing his minions to commit torture, jailing people without cause, detaining and abusing whistleblowers, spying without warrants on American telecommunications, molesting airline passengers by the millions, and relying on anti-Muslim sentiment to allow for an ever widening war on terrorism.
But at the same time, the Clinton approach to U.S. statecraft is back. Obama has bombed Libya without even claiming it has anything to do with American security. His mass murder in the name of human rights, without the added rationale of protecting us from terrists, is Clintonian to the core. The fact that Hillary goaded both the current president and her husband to conduct such humanitarian atrocities is another nice parallel.
There is also a distinct dash of Clinton in domestic policy, something that might make liberals ultimately view Obama as our "greatest Republican president," as they did Clinton: We have the drive to nationalize industries, especially health care, along left-of-center corporatist lines. Crony capitalism climbs everyday even as free enterprise’s good name is being dragged through the mud. We are constantly threatened with new projects of nationalization and economic regimentation in the name of environmentalism and equality, but they rarely materialize quite as anticipated. A new political correctness has reared its head, as Juan Williams was fired for saying Muslims on planes make him nervous – even as the first black president (with a Nobel Prize) fires cruise missiles at a new Muslim country every six months and treats us all like terrorists at the airport.
All the Clintonian rhetoric and policy maneuvering sit atop what could be called Bush’s third term. Obama is following Bush’s timetable for withdrawal in Iraq – so far – while escalating the war in Afghanistan, and both left and right actually claim that he has signified a move toward restraint in foreign policy.
We have a charismatic Democrat getting away with wars and lies, and the media talking about him as though he is a restrained, thoughtful executive, unlike the last president – while the right calls him a wimp and reckless tyrant at the same time. Meanwhile, the entire war-on-terror and Ownership Society focus of domestic planning – the worst elements of the Bush years – continue exactly as though no crises in Iraq and the financial market demonstrated their inherent unsustainability.
It is indeed the 1990s and the Bush years happening all at once.
Looking at Obama as the simultaneous embodiment of Bush and Clinton might help to explain why everyone is so out of their minds right now. Politics is defined both by the rhetoric of the state and that of the opposition. The dizzying flip-flops on all sides are easier to understand in light of Obama’s peculiar style of governance.
Backing up almost twenty years to Slick Willy’s first term, the populist right was up in arms about Washington, about Waco, about nation-building and Hillarycare. Then the Republicans won Congress and by the end of the decade, the right calmed down a bit, probably predicting they would soon inherit the imperial executive they had pretended to oppose out of principle.
The anti-Bush movement was, at first, anti-state – in particular, opposed to war, imperialism, and unlimited executive power and corporatism. But after Katrina, the left once again reverted to its old ways, criticizing the administration for governing poorly, as opposed to flexing too much power. The problem was, once again, that Bush was not doing enough.
Today, the anti-Bush peace movement and Tea Party have both subsided, the first group placated by the 2008 election and the second pacified by the midterm Republican victory. They are both also probably simply fatigued from years of protest. I wish they’d both get out in the streets and join forces, realizing they are actually both opposed to power grabs by the same government. But that will, alas, probably never happen.
Yet the anti-Clinton right and the anti-Bush left should recognize that Obama sums up the horrors of both administrations. Instead, these groups are divided, convinced by the government they should fear each other more than the regime. We have the 1990s hysteria about populist rightwingers helping to bolster the police state. Alongside the fear of American patriots is the Bush-era hysteria toward Muslims and crackdowns on antiwar protesters. It is the perfect storm for both fascism and socialism of the American variety.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Reports: U.S. Troops Killed 5 Children In Iraq Raid
According to an American diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks citing numerous officials and reports, a team of U.S. soldiers in Iraq may have handcuffed and then executed an entire family — including five children under the age of six and four women. The troops, who were previously cleared of any wrongdoing by a U.S. investigation, then allegedly called for an air strike on the home in an apparent effort to cover up the evidence.
The 2006 massacre, which happened in an Iraqi town called Ishaqi, left at least 10 civilians dead. Among them were 28-year-old farmer Faiz Khalaf, his young wife, and all three of their children — aged five, three, and five months. Khalaf’s 74-year-old mother, his sister, and his two nieces — five and three years old — were also killed after being placed in handcuffs, officials said.
According to multiple accounts, U.S. forces approached the house for a raid at around 2:30 a.m. on March 15. Shots were reportedly fired, though it remains unclear who was shooting and why. But what happened next — the alleged executions — is being called a war crime.
“The [Multi-National Forces] troops entered the house, handcuffed all residents and executed all of them,” noted a high-ranking United Nations investigator named Philip Alston, whose letter to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was included in the leaked diplomatic cable. “After the initial MNF intervention, a US air raid ensued that destroyed the house.”
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Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse . . . Unless You’re in Law Enforcement
09-06-2011 • The Agitator
Meanwhile, two officers approached Hurling, urged her to leave and, after exchanging a few words, slammed her against a police cruiser, Hurling said. They pulled her by her hair before tossing her into the back of a cop car, she said....
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Human Dignity, Rest in Peace
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011
How Cannabis Works: Wake Up and Smell the Terpenes!
The chemical structure of tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC) was determined in 1964 by Raphael Mechoulam and Yechiel Gaoni. For more than three decades thereafter, its blatant psychoactivity induced scientists to define THC as the active ingredient in the plant.
Experienced marijuana smokers who tried the drug Marinol (pure, synthetic THC) when it became prescribable in the mid-1980s, reported that the effects were noticeably dissimilar. But it wasn’t until the late 1990s that the research establishment acknowledged that another compound, cannabidiol (CBD), was exerting significant effects, too.
In 1999 a British start-up, G.W. Pharmaceuticals, began clinical trials of a plant extract containing equal amounts of THC and CBD. Multiple Sclerosis patients found the combination more effective in reducing pain and spasticity than a THC extract, and less psychoactive. The THC-CBD combo, “Sativex,” has now been approved for use by MS patients in England, Canada, New Zealand, and a growing list of European countries.
Several of the so-called “minor cannabinoids” —notably tetrahydrocannabavarin (THCV), cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabichromene (CBC)— also show therapeutic promise, and plants with high levels of each have been grown out in G.W.’s glasshouses for research purposes.
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Terrorism: A Symptom of Government
Larken Rose
Website: Larken Rose
What would drive someone to risk his life, maybe even intentionally give up his life, in order to blow something up and kill a bunch of people? It's an intellectual cop-out to just declare that "evil" is to blame, and to pretend that we don't need to understand any more than that.
As a mental exercise, consider the question of what it would take to make you resort to violence. Presumably, you wouldn't just kill people for fun, or because you're in a bad mood. There would have to be something happening that was so drastically wrong and unjust (from your point of view), and that nothing else was stopping, that you would decide that violence was your only option. Such angry desperation is, in most cases, caused by "government" action. This doesn't take much theorizing, since many terrorists openly advertise the fact that their actions are in response to some "government" military action or other "policy" that the terrorist sees as a horrible injustice. In other words, terrorism is almost always a byproduct of "government." When the proverbial "little guy" is being continually victimized by a huge, powerful, organized gang of thugs (e.g., "government"), that's when he begins to think that the only power he has left is the power to do harm.
Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra: Our Cosmic Climate
Sep 2, 2011 8:58 PM ET
Media distortions and lies
Date: September 7, 2011
Subject: MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)
Media Manipulation of 9/11 Truth - by Stephen Lendman
In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously ruled for Fox News, saying no rule or law prohibits distorting or falsifying news.
Just as Wall Street, war profiteers, Big Oil, Big Pharma, and other corporate favorites steal with impunity, it's OK for America's media to lie.
The ruling pertained to a 1996 Jane Akre/Steve Wilson Fox affiliate WTVT, Tampa reports on bovine growth hormone (BGH) dangers, Monsanto's hazardous to human health genetically engineered milk additive.
At first, the station loved them. Later, however, Fox executives and their attorneys ordered its reporters to admit falsifying evidence and produce bogus reports on BGH safety.
They refused, threatened to inform the FCC, were fired, and sued. A district court jury decided on their behalf, awarding Acre alone $425,000 in damages.
Fox appealed and won, the Appellate Court saying Acre wasn't protected under Florida's whistleblower statute, loosely interpreting it to mean employers must violate an adopted "law, rule, or regulation."
In other words, Fox simply followed "policy" entitling its stations to lie - whether on product safety or falsifying facts about anything, including 9/11 truth.
In 2005, Project Censored chose this story among its top 25 most important, titled "The Media Can Legally Lie," and lie they've done about 9/11 from that day to the present.
Those old enough to remember won't forget, including how media distortions turned it into perhaps the most hyped ever spectacle, especially on television.
For days, images of planes hitting the twin towers and their collapse were aired repeatedly.
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Monday, September 5, 2011
Town slams brakes on traffic tickets - 1 - driving and ticketing - MSN Money
A small city in Northern California has sharply reduced the number of citations, and the number of accidents there has dropped as well. Are tickets simply overused?
Speeders venturing off I-80 in Northern California shouldn't get the wrong idea. The little city of Roseville, north of Sacramento, hasn't nixed traffic tickets altogether.
But it has cut the number of moving citations issued by a striking 84%, and no one's complaining.
Drivers received 1,317 traffic tickets in the first six months of 2011, compared with 8,236 during the same time last year, after City Manager Ray Kerridge, a former engineer, said he wanted police to focus on long-term solutions and not feel pressured to write tickets. Nor did he want drivers to feel ambushed by speed traps.
Officers are now assigned dangerous areas and asked to be creative, consulting with community leaders and traffic engineers if need be.
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U.S. sets ultimatum in Swiss bank tax dispute: reports | Reuters
ZURICH | Sun Sep 4, 2011 6:48am EDT
(Reuters) - The United States has written to Switzerland to demand it hands over detailed information this week on its citizens using Swiss accounts to dodge tax or see Credit Suisse and nine other banks face charges, newspapers reported on Sunday.
The letter, quoted by two Swiss Sunday papers, was sent by U.S. Deputy Attorney General James Cole on August 31 and demands detailed figures on tax evasion at Credit Suisse by Tuesday and also seeks information from nine other smaller Swiss banks.
In the letter, Cole demands that Switzerland quickly deliver a significant number of client accounts, the SonntagsZeitung reported, adding that U.S. authorities are also ready to examine a Swiss offer to settle the dispute.
Mario Tuor, a spokesman for the Swiss department for international financial affairs, would only say that Switzerland was in contact with the United States but declined to comment on the letter.
"We are seeking a solution on the basis of existing laws," he said.
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Some Animals Are More Equal than Others, by Jim Davidson
Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise
Suppose an anonymous hacker cadre went into your city government's computer systems. Therein, they would find the records of water bills charged to individual households. Would there be any surprises?
Quite possibly there would be. Some homes might be using water without paying any bill. Some homes might be using enormous amounts of water every month, but paying a very small bill. Why? Very simply because "some animals are more equal than others," as George Orwell noted in his book Animal Farm many decades ago.
What would be the effects of publishing this information? How would the people in a given community respond to those who gain privilege at their expense? How many families had their water cut off this month because they were unable to pay, because the fools pretending to manage the global economy have continuously failed to maintain even a semblance of "full employment" or "reduced business cycle" as promised?
Suppose that hacker cadre went into other aspects of your local government. What might they learn? Would there be certain places to which the police were not to respond? Other places to which the police were to respond very promptly? Would the positioning of police in different locations reflect a desire to intimidate certain persons, or to benefit certain others?
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Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Truth Behind Stop-and-Frisk -
Published: September 2, 2011
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Deja Vu All Over Again: Total US Debt Passes Debt Ceiling...
News Link • Government Debt & Financing
Deja Vu All Over Again: Total US Debt Passes Debt Ceiling...
09-03-2011 •
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CEO of Gibson: Feds Told Us to Leave U.S.
09-03-2011 • Sharlene Holt, Musicians for Freedom
Infowars Last week Federal agents raided two Gibson guitar factories in Tennessee because materials that were used by the guitar maker were allegedly breaking international laws. Court ruling informs guitar company that it should move production to Madagascar!
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