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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Obama, Holder Busted in Gunwalker Cover-up - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama, Holder Busted in Gunwalker Cover-up - HUMAN EVENTS

Kenneth Melson was supposed to be the fall guy, the sacrificial lamb, the guy thrown under the bus to protect President Obama. Melson was "expected" to resign. He refused.

Instead, Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has turned whistle-blower and all hell is about to explode over the operation dubbed by Obama's Justice Department "Fast and Furious" but now known as the Gunwalker scandal.

It looks like the Obama regime financed (partly with "stimulus" funds) an $80 million program to allow straw buyers to purchase hundreds of weapons from federally licensed gun shops in Southwest states, over the objection of the shop owners, and then allowed these weapons to "walk" across the Mexican border into the waiting arms of the murderous Mexican drug cartels.

At first, Justice Department spokesmen said it was a "sting gone wrong." Then, when many pointed out that the ATF had no jurisdiction to follow the guns across the border to make arrests, the cover story fell apart.

Click headline to continue...

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