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Friday, January 31, 2014

The New York Times, CBS and Fox, et al - They're ALL Part of the Regime

The New York Times, CBS and Fox, et al - They're ALL Part of the Regime

The New York Times, CBS and Fox, et al - They're ALL Part of the Regime

Recently the Ludwig von Mises Institute received a visit from a New York Times reporter. Lew Rockwell politely asked him to leave, referring to the reporter as “part of the regime.”
The New York Times‘ subsequent article was mainly intended to be about Sen. Rand Paul, but really it was a hit piece on the Mises Institute and libertarianism in general.
I think that Lew Rockwell was right to correctly identify a scribbler for a long-time distributor of State press releases.
And given the Times‘ past efforts at pro-Democrat Party influence, one can suggest that this hit piece, with assertions made without facts to back them up, may have been intended with the 2016 Presidential race in mind.

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