August 4, 2011
To see what notions the statist destroyers of America are hatching to ensure that prosperity and individual liberty never rise from the dead, I listen to both leftist and rightist media.
Leftist television was all aglow recently about our munificent and benevolent president giving women free birth control, although it is free stuff that has bankrupted the nation.
Naturally, rightist talk radio was aghast about this latest giveaway. But a drive-time host on Arizona’s most popular rightist talk-radio station found time to also rant about local school districts charging a fee of around $100 for kids who participate in organized sports. He didn’t see his intellectual contradiction, although it was just as obvious as Phoenix’s Camelback Mountain.
When everyone has a sacred cow, no one has any meat to eat. Or stated differently, when no one wants to cut his pet program, subsidy, entitlement, handout, or defense contract, the nation will never climb out of bankruptcy.
It probably takes an intellectual to recognize an intellectual contradiction, and the talk-show host, a former high school jock, is anything but an intellectual. That’s a compliment, for as history shows, intellectuals have inflicted great harm on the world and nation.
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