President Barack Obama has launched a third war in a Muslim country, expanded the war in Afghanistan and is continuing many of the national security policies of former President George W. Bush, including keeping Guantanamo open, indefinite detentions of enemy combatants, rendition and military trials. Civilians continue to be killed by U.S. and NATO military forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And, in just the last few days, photos have begun to be released of atrocious crimes against Afghan civilians, allegedly committed last year by American soldiers.
Nevertheless, most of the Obama administration’s Left-wing supporters are still in the fold, remaining silent when the same sort of conduct during the Bush years brought an unrelenting stream of vitriolic condemnations against George W. Bush.
True, Obama is beginning to face a few challenges from the hard Left. However, his progressivebase is mostly sticking with him for now.
One challenger on the Left is Ralph Nader, who has called for President Obama’s impeachment, saying he is responsible for war crimes in the Middle East.
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