Back in 1865, Mark Twain said, “First God created idiots. That was practice for his next handiwork. Then He created politicians.”
As our country watches the countdown to our debt calamity, I sit in my office daily listening to the talking heads, the interviews with financial know- it-alls and the rhetoric from politicians. Not only is it mind-numbingly frustrating, but it’s downright stupid beyond understanding.
Instead of addressing the enormous $14.5 trillion debt a year ago or six months ago—they let it slide until we face horrible consequences on multiple levels. They run this country like a drunken sailor captain that suddenly finds himself facing a storm the size of Hurricane Katrina. He’s so unprepared and so drunk that he doesn’t understand his circumstances.
That’s my take on 535 arrogant, insipid and infantile congressional representatives driving our ship of state. At the head of this conglomeration of nitwits stands Barack Obama who is so far in over his head that he can’t even find someone to steer the ship toward financial safety. It’s called the Peter Principle and Obama defines it—and we all pay for it.
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