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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Watch 2 Canadians Discover That The US Is Now A Police State

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Amerika! Exactly when did she become a police state?
    "We don't need any grounds. We're the United States" "Pulling away from us when we grab you is assault" BY WHOM? He was accused of "making threats". Listen again and see if you can find him making any threat. Exactly what had he done BEFORE he was arrested?
    You are either free to go, or you are UNDER ARREST.
    NOTHING IS IN BETWEEN. Taking car keys means NOT free to go. If you had been insulted, falsley accused, threatened, and assaulted, what would your mood be? Do you think these jack boots do not understand the climate they create with such REPREHENSIBLE behavior? Then, after you have been insulted, falsley accused, threatened, and assaulted, they want to JUDGE YOU on how polite you might be? While millions pour across the Mexican border ILLEGALLY, Canadians must beware of attempting to LEGALLY go shopping in the US.
    officer admitS that they had recorded. In a free country a person arrested has a right to demand the evidence. Still true EVEN in US.
    The criminal asks: "How did you catch us?"
    The victim of crime asks "How many other times has this gone unpunished?" GOOGLE TARGETFREEDOM "Police State Jobs Available for Psychopaths" Psychological testing is being used to locate & hire sociopathics rather than to REJECT THEM. People who ought to be in prisons and mental institutions are being given guns & badges.
    GOOGLE TARGETFREEDOM "Police State Jobs Available for Psychopaths" Psych testing is used to locate & hire sociopaths rather than REJECT THEM. Psycho who ought to be in prisons & mental institutions being given guns & badges.
    GOOGLE these:
    TARGETFREEDOM "FBI says paying for your morning coffee with cash a potential terrorist activity"
    TARGETFREEDOM "suspicious activity reporting guidelines"
    TARGETFREEDOM "Combine FBI Terrorist suspicious activity guidelines with NDAA"

    He was asked what specific stores he planned to visit in mall. The truthful answer was "I don't know".He answered the question truthfully.
    The supervisor should be asked this:
    Does the big chip on your officer's shoulder substitute for not having a brain in his head?
    Nazi's told the Jews. Be polite, follow exactly what you're told and everything will be fine. We wonder how many polite terrorists got by while they were harassing this guy,who just wanted to spend his money in the US.
    Border Patrol claims that they catch 3 terrorists a day. Is that because they call a couple who just want to go shopping terrorists? Or are the real terrorists wearing badges, and guns, and pulling peaceful shoppers out of their cars to put them into jail. Of course they see each other everyday.
    Should tourists go to jail for not bowing to arrogant border guards? Why would anyone want to come to spend money in the United States? Oh well, the economy is so good that maybe Niagara Falls is too prosperous to need the money.
    Should we you feel safer now that we know how well we are being protected from Canadian tourists who travel with their wives? But who will protect us from our protectors? People who are not citizens also have the "unalienable" rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    Of course, any innocent person will be upset, when they are unlawfully arrested. An emotional response is predictable, and it is inconceivable that the storm troopers would not be aware of this. That emotional response was then used to justify the arrest.
